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Custom loader

Writing a custom loader with an example of a loader for XML file format. To create your own loader, you have to inherit from PyI18nBaseLoader class and implement load method.


Your custom loader load method should return dictionary with translations otherwise your loader will not work.

class PyI18nXMLLoader(PyI18nBaseLoader):

    _type: str = "xml" # type of loader

    def load(self, locales: tuple) -> dict:
        # XML loader logic
        loaded: dict = {}
        for locale in locales:

            file_path: str = f"{self.load_path}{locale}.xml"
            if not exists(file_path):

            with open(file_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as _f:
                loaded[locale] = parse([locale]

        return loaded

Pass custom loader to PyI18n constructor


Don't pass load_path argument to PyI18n constructor if you're using loader other than PyI18nYamlLoader (build-in). You should specify load_path argument in your loader instead.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    loader: PyI18nXMLLoader = PyI18nXMLLoader("locales/")
    i18n: PyI18n = PyI18n(('en', 'pl'), loader=loader)
    print(i18n.gettext("en", ""))
    print(i18n.gettext("pl", ""))
    # >> Hello world!
    # >> Witaj świecie!